W/E 29th December


Been off the grid sorting out Christmas and other family stuff. Managed to get some garage time over the weekend and put my new engine hoist to good use. Me and Ernie shifted the 600 Atlas motor and the RGA lump to free up lots of space in the garage. The hoist can lift up to a ton and is a bit OTT for a bikers garage – however I’m typing this without a bad back so no complaints.

I followed up the engine shifting by putting some stuff up into the garage (seats, tanks)ย loft and now have space to try and sort out the RGA frame and begin to dismantle the RGS. I also used up some time to give the new Atlas another clean. Every time I clean the bike it gets to look a little better – all the dirt and dust a bike gets from sitting takes time to clean away. In a way I’m itching to get at it but have to give Atlas #1 another chance by fitting the spare carb’ and then the spare engine! Makes sense as #1 is road registered so if I can get it running we’re good to go.

The RGA engine mount has now freed up from being seized in the frame but the remains seized to the pin that runs through it. Just gotta keep spraying that Duck Oil in and wait. Patience will be rewarded.

So that’s it the end of 2013 and here I am without a single road going Laverda! A bit crap really to have failed in my quest to get all five Laverda’s up and running…it can only get better. I’ll update the intro page to state 2014 and six Laverda’s!

2013 has been a funny year – kind of transition. I used up all my cards to get the RGS back on the road, complete the Welsh National and attend the LCF rally. The 100 was on borrowed time with worn rings but managed the National Rally and the elusive Special Gold Award. It now awaits some welding to fix a cracked exhaust and some other bits and pieces. The Turismo is fun but not serious transport. The Atlas continued to be a pain in the arse poor starter – let me down for both the LCS rally and also the 2nd Atlas rally – coincidentially in Switzerland. It did though come through for the Scottish (just) and the achievement of the 3 Nations Award. I doubt anyone else will manage this on such an eclectic collection of Laverda’s.

The lack of continental travel has been a feature of 2013 and I miss it. I miss the open roads as you pull away from Calais but most of all the continental Laverdisti. 2014 hast to be different. I’ve put the LCF rally in the diary – which will be way down south and also the Breganze 65th – I plan to ride the ‘Laverdaforhealth’ route with Mrs A ๐Ÿ™‚

Looking into 2014 I’m optimistic – should get my triple stable back and that means fast, hassle free riding. If I can back this up with an Atlas and a Turismo on the side there ought to be lots of stories to tell.

Good luck to you and yours and hope our paths converge in 2014.

Nick ๐Ÿ™‚